


Art Director: Maddie Grube
Copywriter: Matthew Ingardia

For patients with NMOSD, the constant fear of relapse makes them feel constrained by their disease and fearful for their future (loss of vision, loss of mobility, permanent paralysis).

However, Ultomiris introduces the idea of a relapse-free future, with 99% relapse risk reduction and clinical trial data showing zero relapses. With Ultomiris, patients can live their lives with no tradeoffs.

Find Your Zero (Adlob)

Art Director: Madison Grube
Copywriter: Matthew Ingardia
Agency: FCB Health
Client: Ultomiris

For the DTC campaign, we proposed centering the whole campaign around the zero relapses patients experienced in clinical trial. We used 3D typography to create little vignettes of patient worlds within the zero to show patients what a relapse-free future could look like and encourage them to find their own zero with Ultomiris.