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The Ribbon

The Ribbon



This stop motion animation follows the life story of a ribbon. The Ribbon spends its whole life trying to escape from the traditional responsibilities of a ribbon, fighting desperately to be "free". However, when it eventually does break free, it finds its life pointless, as it no longer has a purpose. Upon realizing this, the Ribbon tries desperately to find a way back into the life it had before, but it's too late. Without its purpose the ribbon is no longer a ribbon, but it is instead trash. Eventually, the Ribbon finds solace in the company of the hundreds of other ribbons who have, like the Ribbon, fought for freedom only to find emptiness.

A lovely stop motion that took 3 weeks, my entire dorm room, and way too much money. Created for a project in Adobe Premiere Pro at the University of Texas at Austin. Musical credits to Evgeny Grinko, who is a musical genius.